On 10/12/2014 4:27 PM, Tom Fallon wrote:
> Most forum posts I've read show a different syntax in the 
> /etc/backuppc/config.pl file which I've managed to emulate by adding 
> the exclusions to the GUI by adding / in the key then using the insert 
> button to add excluded directories. This ends up with config.pl file 
> looking more like what others are posting here but the exclusion files 
> are still not being read.
> $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
>   '/' => [
>     'proc',
>     'sys',
>     '*/Cache',
>     'RECYCLER',
>     'System Volume Information',
>     'dev',
>     'lost+found',
>     'tmp',
> I am fairly sure I have the syntax of the exclude list correct now, 
> though advice to the contrary is welcome. I've also tried editing the 
> config.pl file using the * wildcard and am trying to run backup now 
> but I suspect this will fail too.
> $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
>   '*' => [
>     'proc',
>     'sys',

The exact syntax depends on your xfer method and share names.  In 
general, it looks like this:

$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
     'sharename' => [

The sharename must either be the name of one of your configured shares 
or the wildcard '*', if you want it to apply to all shares.

The syntax for the exclusions can vary slightly depending on the xfer 
method.  In general, if it starts with a slash, it is anchored to the 
root of the share.  If there is no slash, it will match anywhere in the 
path.  You may or may not need an ending slash or an ending '/*' 
depending on the xfer method.

In the GUI, the option names are a link into the docs.  So you can click 
on the "BackupFilesExclude" link in the GUI for more information.


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