
I meant to reply to the group to let them know that the problem had been
 solved, but your email makes me think that it has not been solved 
fully.  The script runs as user backuppc and apparently user backuppc 
did not have permission to write to the data locations.  Once I fixed 
the permissions issue, the command start stop command would work and 
give me an "ok."  

What makes me think that the problem has not been solved fully is that 
when I run the first two of your commands, I get no response (as 
expected) and the testgram is created properly. However, your third 
command does gives me an error that I don't understand.  Below are the 

backuppc@linux-pc5:/data/BackupPC/pc$ touch /data/BackupPC/pc/testgram


backuppc@linux-pc5:/$ ln /data/BackupPC/pc/testgram /data/BackupPC/cpool


backuppc@linux-pc5:/$ rm /data/BackupPC/pc/testgram /data/BackupPC/cpool

rm: cannot remove ‘/data/BackupPC/cpool’: Is a directory

backuppc@linux-pc5:/$ ls -ld /data

drwxrwx---+ 3 root root 4096 Jan 18 23:00 /data

backuppc@linux-pc5:/$ ls -ld /data/BackupPC

drwxrwx---+ 5 backuppc backuppc 4096 Jan 18 23:00 /data/BackupPC

backuppc@linux-pc5:/$ df /data/BackupPC

Filesystem             1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/mapper/dreux-root  19092180 3932368  14166944  22% /

backuppc@linux-pc5:/$ tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/dreux-root

tune2fs 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014)

tune2fs: Permission denied while trying to open /dev/mapper/dreux-root

Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.

Is the output what was to be expected?  A couple of things are throwing 
me for a loop.  First, on the remove command "rm 
/data/BackupPC/pc/testgram /data/BackupPC/cpool", should that really be 
"rm /data/BackupPC/pc/testgram /data/BackupPC/cpool/testgram" and is 
that the nature of the Is a directory error?  I presume so.  Or should 
my merely removing the linked target also remove the linked file?

Second, the "could not find valid filesystem superblock error is unclear.  

Thanks in advance.

> Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 17:40:37 +0100
> From: igor.sver...@googlemail.com
> To: backuppc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC-4.0.0alpha3 - Can't create a test 
> hardlink between a file...
> Hi,
> regarding the start-stop-daemon issue: Runscripts should always be
> executed as root. Because start-stop-daemon is usually located in
> /sbin you will see this error when executing the runscript as user.
> Try to execute the following commands as "backuppc" user:
> $ touch /data/BackupPC/pc/test
> $ ln /data/BackupPC/pc/test /data/BackupPC/cpool
> $ rm /data/BackupPC/pc/test /data/BackupPC/cpool
> If one of these commands fail, please show us the output from "ls -ld
> /data" and "ls -ld /data/BackupPC".
> Also, run "df /data/BackupPC" and use the value from the "Filesystem"
> column in "tune2fs -l $value" (for example "tune2fs -l
> /dev/mapper/dreux-roo" where "/dev/mapper/dreux-roo" could be
> different).
> Regards,
> Igor
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