
Make sute the BackupPC.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d has this line in it:

Require all granted


On 9/20/2015 8:42 AM, Bob of Donelson Trophy wrote:

I have been using BackupPC for years on an Ubuntu/Debian OS. I am switching to CentOS 7 and cannot figure out why I am getting the following:


You don't have permission to access /BackupPC on this server.

. . . . when I "http://[ipaddress]/BackupPC";

I have disabled selinux and firewalld to see if they are interfering with my access. They do not appear to be. (So, I re-enabled them.)

I can access "http://[ipaddress]"; and get the default CentOS webpage.

To install BackupPC I enabled the EPEL repository. It appears to have included all the dependencies.

I have checked and re-checked file permissions.

Any ideas why I cannot access? Suggestions?



Bob Wooden of Donelson Trophy

www.donelsontrophy.com <http://www.donelsontrophy.com>

"Everyone deserves an award!!"


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