On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 22:48:43 +0200
Christian Völker <chrisc...@knebb.de> wrote:

> Hi guys,

Hi Chris,

> The connection is now a 5Mbit/s (uplink) leased line with fixed IP
> (connected through OpenVPN to the BackuPC host).  The backup takes
> ages!

How much is the downlink? (rsync needs a good deal of bi-dir exchanges)
> When calculating with a 5Mbit/s linke 27GB should be transferred within
> ~15hours. Here, the initial full backup is not yet done and is already
> running more than 24hours!

Make sure you only use one compression order in any place (either
backuppc or openvpn, NOT both).

And as you have a fixed IP address, why not simply use a regular SSH
connection instead of openvpn? (I've seen it ridiculed by a simple
remote desktop connection on w$…)


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