On 10/11 03:28 , madams9 wrote:
> check process backuppc with pidfile "/var/log/backuppc/BackupPC.pid"
> start program "/usr/sbin/service backuppc start"
> stop program "/usr/sbin/service backuppc stop"
> if failed host adamsmdk port 16073 proto http then restart # change if not 
> listening locally
> ###
> Obviously, that last line is trash because the backuppc socket process starts 
> a different port everytime it's initiated. Aside from that, I have no idea 
> how monit is supposed to test for the presence of backuppc. 

Hmm, the stock monitrc file provides the following suggestion among others:
#    if failed url http://user:passw...@www.foo.bar:8080/?querystring
#       and content == 'action="j_security_check"'

So perhaps monit could log into the BackupPC host and check one of bpc's
output pages for certain content.

Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

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