Hi all,

I am still not done with the migration.
As stated in my initial post I started the way which is described here:

So I already have transferred all cpool data to the new storage. "Just" missing 
now the hardlinks.
I started the restore-hardlinks.py from above site.
It went up to 14GB of memory (RAM!) used. Even the BackupPC machine had 8GB I 
added 24GB of swapfile which ended in the machine swaping heavily (io waits 
were low, though) so I stopped after 36hours.
As /var/lib/BackupPC is a drbd device I created a second machine on a different 
ESX host and assigned 32GB of memory to it. I started the restore now an hour 
ago and it went quickly to the 14.4GB of memory usage with low CPU and low IO 
waits. Restore hardlinks is now running (at least without the need of swap) and 
I hope it will come to an end soon.
The tools is recommended to offer an efficient way to copy the data. If 14.4GB 
memory usage appears to be efficient, how much would the full rsync -H use?

Stephen, I am unsure about your recommendation

> 6. Copy the pc directory using BackupPC_tarPCCopy:
>  su -c /bin/bash backup
>  cd /srv/BackupPC
>  mkdir -p pc
>  chown backup pc
>  cd pc
>  /opt/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC_tarPCCopy /old/BackupPC/pc | tar xvPf - 
What does the BackupPC_tarPCCopy do in detail? Would it be faster?



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