On 25/12/2015 22:06, pasci wrote:
Found some reasons!

First: smbclient/tarmode is since 4.1.4 (or later; not sure) not verbose by default. But BackupPC analyzed this output. Because it is missing, BackupPC mark the backup as failed.

Additional option for smbclient is:
...-c tarmode\ full\ verbose -Tc ... -> add "\ verbose"

I tried to add the "verbose" option, and I'm still getting a failure:

Running: /bin/smbclient \\\\hayun-13\\GIS -I -U arava\\adir -E -d 1 -c tarmode\ full \\verbose -TcrX - ortho DEM
full backup started for share GIS
Xfer PIDs are now 43347,43346
[ skipped 1 lines ]
tar:322  tarmode is now full, system, hidden, noreset, quiet
[ skipped 11615 lines ]
tar:800  Total bytes received: 204619425060
[ skipped 32 lines ]
tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 10812 filesExist, 204619427466 sizeExist, 107810565982 sizeExistComp, 11218 filesTotal, 204619483387 sizeTotal
Got fatal error during xfer (tar:800  Total bytes received: 204619425060)
Backup aborted (tar:800  Total bytes received: 204619425060)
Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the prior one (got 11218 and 0 files versus 11218)
The last line is certainly wierd. Clearly 11218 files were backed up, so why does it see 0??
Any further ideas would be appreciated.


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