The log file says:

2016-01-13 19:53:46 User backuppc requested restore to localhost
<http://rfserver2/backuppc/index.cgi?host=localhost> (localhost
2016-01-13 19:53:46 Started restore on localhost
<http://rfserver2/backuppc/index.cgi?host=localhost> (pid=10366)
2016-01-13 19:53:50 Restore failed on localhost
<http://rfserver2/backuppc/index.cgi?host=localhost> (BackupPC_tarCreate

And the command:

root@RFSERVER2:/usr/share/backuppc/bin# ./BackupPC_tarCreate
./BackupPC_tarCreate: Wrong user: my userid is 0, instead of 111 (backuppc)
Please su backuppc first
BackupPC::Lib->new failed

2016-01-13 21:27 GMT+01:00 Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom <>:

> On 01/13 08:51 , David Rotger wrote:
> > I use the web interface, when I restore a TAR localhost bakcup, in the
> > status section I see:
> >
> > localhost <http://rfserver2/backuppc/index.cgi?host=localhost> restore
> > root 2016-01-13
> > 20:00 2016-01-13 19:53
> > BackupPC_tarCreate failed
> Ok, now's the time to learn to use the command line tools to troubleshoot
> problems with BackupPC. The BackupPC_tarCreate command is actually this:
> backuppc@archivist-2:~$ /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate --help
> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate version [unknown] calling
> Getopt::Std::getopts (version 1.07 [paranoid]),
> running under Perl version 5.18.2.
> Usage: BackupPC_tarCreate [-OPTIONS [-MORE_OPTIONS]] [--] [PROGRAM_ARG1
> ...]
> The following single-character options are accepted:
>         With arguments: -e -h -n -p -r -s -b -w
>         Boolean (without arguments): -L -l -t
> Options may be merged together.  -- stops processing of options.
> Space is not required between options and their arguments.
>   [Now continuing due to backward compatibility and excessive paranoia.
>    See 'perldoc Getopt::Std' about $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION.]
> usage: /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate [options]
> files/directories...
>   Required options:
>      -h host         host from which the tar archive is created
>      -n dumpNum      dump number from which the tar archive is created
>                      A negative number means relative to the end (eg -1
>                      means the most recent dump, -2 2nd most recent etc).
>      -s shareName    share name from which the tar archive is created
>   Other options:
>      -t              print summary totals
>      -r pathRemove   path prefix that will be replaced with pathAdd
>      -p pathAdd      new path prefix
>      -b BLOCKS       output write buffer size in 512-byte blocks (default
> 20; same as tar)
>      -w readBufSz    buffer size for reading files (default 1048576 = 1MB)
>      -e charset      charset for encoding file names (default: value of
>                      $Conf{ClientCharset} when backup was done)
>      -l              just print a file listing; don't generate an archive
>      -L              just print a detailed file listing; don't generate an
> archive
> So an actual command would look something like this below, where:
> -h localhost == the host to restore from
> -n -1 == the most recent backup (or you could look at the list of backup
> numbers in the web interface to find the backup from a particular date)
> -s / == the share to restore from (in the case of a Windows box it might be
> 'cDrive' or something like that)
> / == the files to restore. in this case, all the files from the root
> directory onward
> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate -h localhost -n -1 -s / /
> Note however that this will dump the tar stream straight to STDOUT (i.e.
> your terminal). So you'll have to redirect that or stream it elsewhere.
> Here's an example of creating a tarball in your current directory (make
> sure
> there's enough space first, using 'df -h').
> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate \
> -h localhost -n -1 -s / / >  localhost_restore-2016-01-13.tar
> I stuck the '\' in there just because your mail client may wrap lines, and
> I
> wanted to be clear that this is all one line of command.
> Or if you'd like to move the backup across the network, you can pipe the
> output of BackupPC_tarCreate through netcat and move it to some other
> machine without having to put it on the local disk first.
> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate \
> -h localhost -n -1 -s / / | nc 8888
> On the receiving side, you'd have a netcat process listening and piping the
> output to tar, which in the example below will dump the files out onto the
> filesystem in the current directory.
> nc -l 8888 | tar xvpf -
> Experiment with all these a bit, and see what errors you get when you try
> to
> run a really simple restore command like this:
> /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_tarCreate \
> -h localhost -n -1 -s / /etc > /dev/null
> To be clear, you don't have to break the above into two lines, and you
> don't
> need the '\' if you don't break it into two lines, that's just for clarity
> since I don't know how your mail client will format that line. Also the
> redirection to /dev/null is just so your screen and filesystem don't get
> filled up while you figure out what may be wrong. If you like you can
> redirect to a file.
> Sorry if some of this is very low-level, I don't know what your skill level
> is.
> --
> Carl Soderstrom
> Systems Administrator
> Real-Time Enterprises
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David Rotger
Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
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