On 15/01/16 06:12, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 12:55 PM, Andreas Piening
> <andreas.pien...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Backup Operator (and Administrator) are groups you can add to the user
>>> to give additional permissions.  If you are in an Active Directory
>>> environment you would need to join the domain and have domain
>>> credentials, though.   I'd recommend setting up rsync anyway because
>>> it does a better job of tracking renames, changed files with old
>>> timestamps, and deletions.
>> Oh you’re right, there is such a Group (the name is localized …). I added a 
>> local user to both groups: Administrator and Backup Operator but when I do a 
>> backup of a share for the folder c:\Users I still get 
>> NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED for a lot of subfolders.
>> This was the case in my test with the Windows 7 Pro machine in a workgroup, 
>> and again with the same machine added to a AD domain. Same behavior.
> I don't know enough about windows to help more - and I've had trouble
> with that too.   There is a difference between a local user and a
> domain user and the corresponding group mappings and there may be a
> setting that gives the local admin more access to shares.  Or for the
> AD case you have to join the domain from the linux box.   One thing
> that might not be obvious is that smbclient and smbtar used by
> backuppc will read your /etc/samba/smb.conf file and will pull things
> like the domain setting from there.  If you have settings there
> intended for shares from the linux box they might not be what you need
> as a client.
>   In any case you can connect manually with smbclient to check what you
> can access faster than waiting for a backup run to hit it.

Isn't there also the "hidden" shares by default which are supposed to 
provide more access? I think it is C$ by default, which is the full c 

Again, I don't use smb for backups, but I'm hoping this does help you.

Ultimately, you still won't be able to backup open files, so you might 
still want to consider an alternate backup solution which will provide 
better capability to backup all files (eg rsync + vshadow).


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