I've spent entirely too much time reading the v4 docs, but here's how I
interpret it (and take with a grain of salt as I don't run v4):

Your $Conf{FullKeepCnt} = 1, which means to keep 1 filled backup. (Not
necessarily 1 Full backup)

After a successful backup (full or incr), the most recent is your 1 filled
backup, and so it removes the oldest filled which happens to be your
previous Full.  Then it'll try to take a new Full on the next run.

You might have stumbled upon an edge case where FullKeepCnt <
FullKeepCntMin.  And I also wonder about the integrity of the incr backups
where the filled source of reverse deltas has been removed (i.e. #1, based
upon #2, but then #2 was removed after successful completion of #3).

But yeah, experiment with FullKeepCnt?  If you want to take 1 full every 30
days, then FullKeepCnt = 2 ... I would think.

At the very least, thanks for bringing some more v4 attention to the list.


Kris Lou

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 9:04 AM, Holger Parplies <wb...@parplies.de> wrote:

> Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote on 2016-01-27 11:28:24 +0100 [Re:
> [BackupPC-users] BPC 4 very slow]:
> > [basically the same thing over and over again]
> In case it's not obvious, adjust the settings so they specify to do what
> you
> want. Before that, preferably, understand the settings. Use the suitable
> tool
> for your purpose. You keep repeating that you get no advantage from
> pooling,
> because all your files constantly change, and thus you must keep only
> minimal
> history. But you want to restore things you are not keeping. Strange.
> Hope that helps.
> Regards,
> Holger
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