
Johan Ehnberg wrote on 2016-06-27 16:03:42 +0300 [Re: [BackupPC-users] BacupPC 
-How not to start backup when lock file is present ?]:
> Hi,
> You can do it the other way around:

... by top-posting?

> run the database dump with 
> $Conf{DumpPreUserCmd}.
> [...]
> On 06/27/2016 03:54 PM, phil123456 wrote:
> > hello,
> >
> > I am exporting my database before backup
> > but the time it takes may vary, and I want things to be automatic
> > so I create a lock file when export starts and remove it when it is finished
> >
> > I would like backup pc to start the backup when everything is done
> >
> > is there a wy to achieve this ?


You can also use DumpPreUserCmd together with UserCmdCheckStatus to check
for the existance of the lock file and abort the backup attempt if it exists.
This might have advantages by not keeping BackupPC busy for a long time while
creating the database export (other backups could run during this time), and
you would avoid rebuilding the database export every time in case the backup
fails (and is retried on the next wakeup).
You could even abuse PingCmd for that (not sure which is better).

Also, it might not be easy to start the command from the BackupPC daemon (e.g.
if it needs to run on a different machine or with different user/group or is
needed for something besides the backup), while it might be trivial to check
for the lock file (NFS or local stat).

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that BackupPC's backup might run
*before* the database export is created. You could circumvent that by using
"lock files" including the date, creating them *after* the export and
requiring their existance rather than non-existance. Perhaps the created
dump file itself could serve this purpose ...

Hope that helps.


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