On 13/07/16 08:23, Falko Trojahn wrote:
> bpb21 wrote on 11.07.2016 at 20:28:
>> I've got BackupPC running on a CentOS server (working fine with Windows 10 
>> PCs, by the way!).  I'd like to back up, on occasion, the data BackupPC 
>> stores.
>> For other servers, network shares, and CCTV footage, I use LTO-5 Ultrium 
>> tapes and just use tar on the CentOS server connected to the tape drive; 
>> nothing proprietary going on.
>> But, where does BackupPC store it's data?  (I could probably figure that one 
>> out pretty easily.)  More of a question is, how would backing up the pooled 
>> data to an external source work out?  I have approx. 3.8 TB of data before 
>> pooling and compression, approx 1 TB of data after pooling and compression.
>> So, I'd need to plan on 3.8 TB of external storage were I to back up 
>> BackupPC's data, correct?
>> If I just used the regular tar commands to back up the data directory for 
>> BackupPC, would it be able to preserve the user permissions?  As in, could I 
>> still tell what came from what PC if I just copied the data directory?
>> (I'm probably making this more complex than it is...)
> you have several possibilities:
> - use the archivehost feature, so last backup of each host can be saved
> to tape or e.g. destination directory on e.g. external usb drive for
> offline storage
> - use rsync to sync the whole pool (usually /var/lib/backuppc) to other
> hard disk, with special parameters it's possible even over ssh
>     we do our sync of about 2TB in one  and a half day over 1gb ethernet
>     to remote location; if possible, do initial sync locally.
>     backuppc service must be shutdown during the sync or at least not
>     doing backups, for consistency.
> - instead of rsync, if backuppc pool is on btrfs, one could use btrfs'
>     send-receive feature, or e.g. btrbk. didn't try that out, though.

You could also use dd, assuming that you have some method to ensure a 
consistent state throughout the tape backup period.

1) Store the backuppc volume on LVM, take a snapshot and stream the 
snapshot to tape
2) Unmount the backuppc volume, stream to tape, remount the volume

Although I'm not sure that really is a smart idea, I've never tried it, 
but just thought I'd suggest it, someone else with more experience of 
tapes might be able to comment.

PS, dd will consume the space on tape equal to the filesystem capacity

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