
some of the backup processes here run for hours, and there are often
reasons why I want to check on what's going on.

How do you monitor backups in real-time? XferLOG.z can't be tail'd,
and attaching strace or lsof to the running processes just isn't
very sexy.

Can you fathom a good method by which I can keep a good eye on
what's going on, e.g. a way to have BackupPC write to the host's log
file something like

  2016-08-04 14:39:11 considering file: /foo/bar/baz (cpool:a/b/c/defgh…)
  2016-08-04 14:39:12 skipping file: /foo/bar/baz — already in pool
  2016-08-04 14:39:13 transferring file: /foo/bar/baz
  2016-08-04 14:39:17 done transferring: /foo/bar/baz

I've tried adding --verbose and --progress to rsync, I've tried
increasing the XferLogLevel beyond 1 (but the XferLOG isn't
real-time in the way I'd seek it).

Maybe one solution would be to write the XferLOG without zlib
compression and only compress it later? Is this somehow

@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
"if a man treats life artistically, his brain is his heart."
                                                        -- oscar wilde
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