On 31.08.16 19:49, Orazio Di nino wrote:
> Sorry Alexander,
> my problem is as follows:
> In the CGI, instead of graphics, there are two unidentified icons.  The 
> permissions of pool.rdd are correct (-rw-r-----  1 backuppc backuppc 11784 
> ago 31 01:03 pool.rrd).
> If I try to open the image in the CGI i get the following error : 
> <> cannot be displayed because 
> it contains errors.

Maybe you find something interesting in the web-server log.

I've seen such an error before, but I don't remember what caused the problem. I 
think CGI returns something else instead of image. If you are lucky it might be 
an error message. Try to save this object as file and inspect its content.

IP addresses in the tag and link don't match ( != 
Don't you think it's weird?

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