On 10/18/2016 5:36 AM, Adam Hardy wrote:

the first real restore that I have had to do took a surprising amount of effort, so I figure I took the wrong approach somewhere. This is what I did:

- to start with, the host was set up with rsync and had quite a few $RsyncShareName directories specified e.g.

- in the CGI interface restore screen, I had to choose each one individually, select all files, create the restore job, and specify the target directory on the new host.

- I had to do a 'mkdir' for each restore job to create its root directory, and chmod the dir to 777 - (I am restoring a Windows backup onto a Linux box)

Is there a way to do all this in one go, or at least to obviate the need to create the target directories?

The main target directory that you are restoring into must exist. Rsync will create the subdirectories as it goes.

I would say the main problem is that you specified so many specific shares. You would probably be better off if you specified fewer shares and then used a combination of BackupFilesOnly and BackupFilesExclude to determine exactly what is being backed up.

For example:

$Conf{RsyncShareName} = [

$Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = {
    '/cygdrive/d' => [

With this setup, you can do a single restore and simply select '/dev', '/workspace', and '/Documents' from the GUI. You will have to make sure the root directory for these exists (/cygdrive/d, or wherever you are putting them for the restore), but rsync will create the individual directories as it goes.

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