Okay, I installed from Github to take advantage of recent fixes, and the 
upgrade worked fine. The web interface came up straight away, no problems.

If these problems are BECAUSE I used the GitHub version, please advise and I 
will back it out or wait for resolution.  Actually, I did install the released 
4.0.0 version after this and it seems to make no difference.

I am documenting some things I already fixed here in case others find it 
useful, but in the end I still do not have it working.

However, trying to backup the localhost (previous v3 backup), I received this 

backuppc: getaddrinfo is not a valid Socket macro at 
/usr/local/BackupPC/lib/BackupPC/Lib.pm line 1413

It did a delete pass, but when I tell it to do a full backup I get the above 
error in the log.

The strangest thing is, looking in the config, the host is defined as, so how can that not be a valid address for 
Socket::getaddrinfo($host); ?

I thought perhaps it was trying to use Socket::GetAddrInfo, which I was able to 
install after having to install these:

File::Path File::Spec Test::More ExtUtils::CBuilder ExtUtils::CChecker

But still the same error.

For context, it is here in BackupPC:Lib, failing on the Socket::getaddrinfo 

sub getHostAddrInfo
    my($bpc, $host) = @_;
    my($err, @addrs) = Socket::getaddrinfo($host);
    return undef if ( $err );
    return (($addrs[0])->{'family'} == Socket::AF_INET6) ? 6 : 4;

Installed `cpan install Socket` and the line went away from the logs, but it 
still is not making any backups. I don't know how to be sure all the modules 
are up-to-date without causing problems. :(

Where to look, every log I look at doesn't show anything, it just logs that the 
backup was requested but it never does anything. :(


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