On Apr 21, 2017, at 7:39 PM, Les Mikesell 
<lesmikes...@gmail.com<mailto:lesmikes...@gmail.com>> wrote:

If you think about what rysnc is supposed to do, it doesn't make much
sense to run both ends locally accessing data over NFS.

I would think it depends.  I have found many cases in environments where 
running rsync between local mounts is preferable to using cp or a tar pipe.

I would have to look at the Rsync implementation with a little more scrutiny 
but I suspect rsync provides greater flexibility in tuning its behavior on what 
to copy.  To be clear, it is a very minor concern for my purpose and nothing 
worth getting in a twist over.  The type of directories I backup tend to only 
grow between incrementals.  It wasn’t really a concern but more of a question.

I did however run into another problem in that my backups using Tar have been 
freezing.  I do not know if I hit some size limitation except that the same 
jobs configured on version 3 which use Rsync work fine.

For any file that is not skipped by the timestamp/length check in
incrementals, you are going to read the entire file over NFS so rsync
can compute the differences (where the usual point is to only send the
differences over the network).

I seem to recall there was a change in how files are compared but also know 
that incrementals with Rsync on V3 ran in a fraction of time as a full backup.  
So it must have had some way to skip doing a full file comparison.

Is there any way you can run rsync remotely against the NFS host instead?

I backup from two types of hosts: Lustre and NFS. I figured that it made far 
more sense to provide a direct mount rather than use Rsync over SSH or stand up 
Rsync.  I would also run the risk of having to have hosts

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