On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 8:55 AM, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 7:26 AM, Robert Katz <bobk...@digido.com> wrote:
> > Hi guys. I was about to bind a second mount for my convenience in fstab
> > for topdir. I then read man bind and learned about the danger of using
> > bind because backup programs that access directories by name would
> > therefore backup the same material twice! Unless you put an exclude in
> the
> > rsync directive. Then it just gets unnecessarily complicated.
> >
> > So Richard is not only right that a symbolic link for topdir is a good
> > idea, but it is also the ONLY thing to do if someone wants to access the
> > backup media through a name that he's used to.
> >
> > So I recommend a note in the manual or in the config.pl about this.
> >
> I always thought the best approach was to mount your media in the
> place where backuppc expects it _before_ installing the package so
> that ownership and selinux contexts are set correctly during the
> package install.   Does that work through symlinks?   Maybe you could
> make the symlink the other direction if you want to call it some other
> name.

Well then you would have to create the /var/lib/backuppc directory which
the RPM package wants to do, probably won't cause any problems though...

I think if you installed the package, mounted the volume and then ran
restorecon -r /var/lib/backuppc would have the same effect.

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