On 05/24/17 14:41, Yong Zhang wrote:
> Hi, all
> I'm new to BackupPC, I installed v4.0 these days, but hard to understand
> schedule settings, I have some queries here:
> 1) I want servers to be backed up daily, but full backup only runs on
> Saturday, how?


I use this line in crontab to enforce full backup on weekends:

55 19 * * 5 backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_serverMesg backup

I usually put the time to run at 5 minutes before the end of blackout
period to ensure that it will start earlier than normal backup run.
Also I put FQDN for both HOST and HOSTIP. Number 1 at the end means full
backup (0 would be incremental).

Best Regards
        Vladislav Kurz

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