On 05/28/2017 03:17 PM, Richard Shaw wrote:
I didn't have to modify the user BackupPC or apache runs as but I did change the group on config.pl <http://config.pl> from backuppc to apache and that seems to work for me...

# ll /etc/BackupPC/
total 96
-rw-r-----. 1 backuppc backuppc    46 Jan 20  2013 apache.users
-rw-r-----. 1 backuppc apache 82263 May 11 19:45 config.pl <http://config.pl>
-rw-r-----. 1 backuppc apache    2293 Mar 26 13:29 hosts
-rw-r-----. 1 backuppc apache       0 May 28 14:00 LOCK
drwxr-x---. 2 backuppc apache    4096 Apr 29 07:31 pc

The UID thing took me off in the wrong direction. The BackupPC service was failing to start, so, of course, the web interface wouldn't show anything!

Poking around in the journalctl output, I find:

May 28 13:08:56 osprey BackupPC[3990]: 2017-05-28 13:08:56 PoolV3Enabled is set, and can't create a test hardlink between a file in /raptor/pc-backups//pc and /raptor/pc-backups//cpool. Either these are different file systems, or this file system doesn't support hardlinks, or these directories don't exist, or there is a permissions problem, or the file system is out of inodes or full. Use df, df -i, and ls -ld to check each of these possibilities. Quitting...

Well, I'd removed the entire filetree that contained the version 3 pool in cleaning things up, but forgot to turn the upgrade option off in config.pl. (This maybe shouldn't be a fatal error?)

So, config.pl now fixed and the service is now running, as is a full backup of the Win 7 PC. Will report back when/if it finishes.

Thanks, again.
Tim Evans                       |   5 Chestnut Court
                                |   Owings Mills, MD 21117
                                |   443-394-3864

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