On 7/3/2017 1:16 PM, Bob Katz wrote:
But I get this error. I suppose I'm doing something fundamentally not
permitted (can't use rsync daemon to connect to the same computer???):

rsync_bpc: failed to connect to localhost.localdomain (::1): Connection
refused (111)
rsync_bpc: failed to connect to localhost.localdomain (
Connection refused (111)

Test the connection with the regular command line rsync client. Just run "rsync localhost.localdomain::" and see what happens. (It should list the modules available to back up.) You can also use "lsof -i" to see if anything is listening on the rsyncd port. Maybe rsyncd isn't running? Could you have a firewall rule blocking that port on the loopback interface? Also try "ping localhost.localdomain" to see what address is being used.

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