On Thu, 20 Jul 2017 08:18:44 -0600
Ray Frush <fr...@rams.colostate.edu> wrote:

> I believe you could do something like you propose with the current
> BackupPC by setting the "IncrPeriod' to 0.04 (1/24 of a day).   You'd
> have to make some interesting settings for "FillCycle" and
> "FullKeepCnt" to make it keep a usable schedule, but you could then
> have  'hourly' incrementals.

"interesting settings" is the corner stone of this.

> As Les Mikesell just pointed out, the downside would be that for large
> instances, you'd be doing a lot of fairly expensive (compute time)
> operations every hour to scan the file system for changes.
> I believe that FS snapshots are faster, and more efficient than
> BackupPC could ever be for this.

OK, fair explanation this time; too bad.
I'll dive into the snapshot code to see if a timestamp check can be
easily implemented - thanks.


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