On 2017-07-20 20:13, Tim Evans wrote:
On 07/17/2017 12:21 AM, Craig Barratt wrote:

When the tar backup appears to be stalled, please do the following:

OK, full backup has been running since 11pm last night, and appears hung.

  * run ps auxww (options might vary based on which server OS you are
    running), and find the relevant backups processes: BackupPC_dump,
BackupPC_tarExtract, and the corresponding ssh command that runs the
    remote tar.

backuppc 19250 10.4  0.0 397252 15676 ?        S    Jul19 137:52
/usr/bin/smbclient \\pelican\C$ -U backup -E -d 1 -c tarmode full -Tc

  * run "strace -p PID" as root, for each number PID listed by ps
    above.  Please send me the output.

strace -p 19250 (smbclient) never stops output, accumulates rapidly;
some of it is attached.

backuppc 19249 19246  8 Jul19 ?        01:51:40 /usr/bin/perl
/usr/share/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC_tarExtract -h pelican -s C$ -f

strace -p 19249 (tar) generates no output at all:

# cat strace_tar.out
read(0,  <detached ...>

Xferlog's last modification date is 9:02am (about 12 hours ago and
about 10 hours since the backup began). Last couple of lines are:

  same     644       0/0       11104
  same     755       0/0           0

There is no line break here on the last line.

It looks like you're backing up files from Windows' side-by-side folder, which means that a running program or service could be problematic for CIFS/SMB, causing it to hang until the program releases all copies of the DLL -- in practical terms, until the program or service is stopped.

Have you checked to make sure nothing is running?
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