Dear Craig, 
On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 07:30:00PM -0700, Craig Barratt via BackupPC-users 
> I would like to understand the steps you took.
> First, by "server A" and "server B" you mean clients that BackupPC backs up?

yes - from my point of view they are file servers, but you are right:
they are BackupPC clients. 

Also one information ahead: The system I talked about was a

> When you said "on my BackupPC I deleted "A:data"" did you mean you simply
> removed that share from the for server A, or did you actually
> delete files below the BackupPC store (eg,
> /data/BackupPC/pc/serverA/NNN/fdata)?

I deleted the share from the My intention was to migrate
the share from one "client" to another keeping it's backup history. I
have not removed any files expilicitely.

> If it was just a config change, then all the old backups of the data share
> on server A should still be present (until they otherwise expire based on
> the config settings).

During nightly cleanup BackupPC started removal of the "deleted" share
of client A. Unfortunately I noticed this after about 20 hours of
removal (I have an amount of about 4 million files at about 30
snapshots, lasting about 5 years back). 

I understand that if a share is deleted (from,
BackupPC assumes that the share is not needed any more and thus
starts removal. Actually it started to remove hard links from the snap
shots. Many of them are empty now and I am afraid that the pooled
files also have been deleted, because their hard link counter has
decremented to 1. Anyway I am afraid that I would not be able to
reestablish the removed links. 

So my question is, how can I tell BackupPC to "move" a share
(including it's history) from one client to another?

Meanwhile I noticed your release of Version 4 and I did a complete new
setup. My hope would be that in case of damage there would be at least
a chance to recover files from my old V3-Backup. I kept it and mounted
the volume read only, because BackupPCv3 insists in doing cleanup as
soon as I start it on I writeble volume. So my other question was, how
to disable cleanup. 

The last question in this story then is how to merge another backup
into the "clean-upped" one. I found that this question was discussed
several times but it seems to be complicated. 

After all I want to state, that I am very excited about your
project. I have used it for many years now and it has helped in many
cases of file damage or loss. Also your project is a prime example of
very good software design.

Thanks for any advice and best regards


> On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 8:01 AM, <> wrote:
> > Dear BackupPC Users,
> >
> > recently I made a mistake:
> >
> > I moved a share "data" from an old server A to a new server B. Then on
> > my BackupPC I deleted "A:data", created the new host B and added a
> > share "data" to the new one, having "B:data". Naively I assumed that
> > this would keep also the history from "A:data" ...
> >
> > Because some other shares on A have still to be backed up, I started
> > BackupPC. This resulted in file removal inside the history snapshots
> > of "A:data" via trash cleaning. As soon as I have detected this, I
> > stopped BackupPC. Because the amount of files is rather huge, the
> > removal was not completed.
> >
> > Now my questions:
> > - how can I temporarily prevent BackupPC from deleting files?
> > - how can I find out, which files have been deleted?
> > - what would have been the correct way of migrating a share from one
> >   host to another?
> > - I have another BackupPC-service running which holds several of the
> >   presumably removed files; how could I merge them to reconstruct my
> >   backup?
> >
> > Thanks for any advice and best regards
> >
> >
> > T. Finke
> >
> >
> >
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Dr.-Ing. Torsten Finke

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Gesellschaft für Ingenieurleistungen mbH
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