2017-09-19 18:01 GMT+02:00 Gandalf Corvotempesta
> Removed "--inplace" from the command like and running the same backup
> right now from BPC.
> It's too early to be sure, but seems to go further. Let's see during the 
> night.

Is still running. This is ok on one side, as "--inplace" may caused
the issue, but on the other side,
there is something not working properly in BPC. An incremental backup
is still running (about 80%)
from yesterday at 17:39.

rsync, rsnapshot, bacula, rdiff-backup, bareos, and borg took about 3
hours (some a little bit more, some a little bit less) to backup this
host in the same way (more or less, same final size of backup)
BackupPC is taking 10 times more of any other backup software, this
makes BPC unusable with huge hosts. An order of magnitude is totally
unacceptable and can only mean some bugs in the code.

As wrote many month ago, I think there are something not working
properly in BPC, it's impossible that BPC deduplication is slowing
down backups in this way.
Also, I've removed the compression, because I'm using ZFS with native
compression, thus BPC doesn't have to decompress, check local file,
compress the new one and so on.

And after the backup, refCnt and fsck is ran. For this server, the
"post-backup" phase takes another hours or two.

Maybe I have hardware issue on this backup server, but even all other
backup software that i've tried are running in this server with no
issue at all. Only BPC is slow as hell.

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