On Fri, 15 Dec 2017 12:16:50 -0500
David Owens <david.ow...@kitware.com> wrote:

> Hello,


> I want to backup my backuppc server.  Questions:

Shall we imagine it runs under Linux?

>    1. Where is the catalog, and what is the best practice for backing
> it up.

There isn't one, the list is determined by the root of your backup (could
be / ou /DATA or /whatever) and the eventual exclusions you set
into config.pl.

> 2. I was just going to tar the config.  What are the essential
> files / file systems needed to capture.

Assuming it runs under Linux, don't be stingy with space and backup the
whole stuff except the usual suspects (/dev, /proc, /tmp, /var/tmp, …)

Because this way, if you meet a catastrophe, you'll only need to
reinstall a very minimal system including rsync, then restore the last
backup to recover a fully operating system (NB: impossible with w$.)

Otherwise, you'll "save" a few space but bang your head on the wall the
time being when you'll discover you forgot let's say something
like /var/lib.

Of course, for the BPC server, an up to date tar of /etc/backuppc saved
on some other machines can help.

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