On 05.02.2018 14:38, RAKOTONDRAINIBE Harimino Lalatiana wrote:
Hi Alexander,

Thank you for your answer, I am newbie so it was out of my mind to check why 
the xfermethod would be rsync instead of rsyncd for the localhost.

So I changed it to rsyncd. Anyway it won't run .

I set up the rsyncd.conf and create on module :

path = /boot
comment = all boot files to be backupc

I didn't put the auth user and password because after some try it say auth 
failure and I prefer to troubelshoot it after resolving this issue

I am not sure what to put in the  $Conf{RsyncShareName} but when I run 
Backuppc-dump -i localhost, there is some errors in the output as you can see 
I printed all the output  and underlined all the errors for more clarity

ERROR: The remote path must start with a module name not a /

I already tried to run rsyncd and it work but I don't know where the error in 
my configuration .



For $Conf{RsyncShareName} you need to use a rsync module name as it is 
specified in the rsyncd.conf in square brackets, i.e. [boot].

$Conf{RsyncShareName} = [

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