Yes, these entries are in LOG.0.z:

2018-10-28 01:21:07 Started incr backup on X
<> (pid=5527,

2018-10-28 01:21:21 Finished incr backup on X

2018-10-28 01:00:00 Disk too full (96%); skipped 39 hosts

2018-10-28 01:00:00 Next wakeup is 2018-10-28 02:00:00

2018-10-28 02:00:00 Disk too full (96%); skipped 39 hosts

2018-10-28 02:00:00 Next wakeup is 2018-10-28 03:00:00

2018-10-28 03:00:00 Disk too full (96%); skipped 39 hosts

2018-10-28 03:00:00 Next wakeup is 2018-10-28 04:00:00

2018-10-28 04:00:00 Disk too full (96%); skipped 39 hosts

Not quite sure what’s going on with the times there – I suspect BST to GMT
if they are local timestamps.

I have a further 3 “disk too full” entries the following day (I only
received that one email though):

2018-10-29 01:00:00 Disk too full (96%); skipped 39 hosts

2018-10-29 01:00:00 Running 2 BackupPC_nightly jobs from 0..15 (out of 0..15)

2018-10-29 01:00:00 Running BackupPC_nightly -m -P 10 0 127 (pid=16405)

2018-10-29 01:00:00 Running BackupPC_nightly -P 10 128 255 (pid=16406)

2018-10-29 01:00:00 Next wakeup is 2018-10-29 02:00:00

2018-10-29 01:00:03 BackupPC_nightly now running
BackupPC_refCountUpdate -m -s -c -P 10 -r 0-127

2018-10-29 01:00:03 BackupPC_nightly now running
BackupPC_refCountUpdate -m -s -c -P 10 -r 128-255

2018-10-29 01:00:03  admin1 : __bpc_pidStart__ 16458

2018-10-29 01:00:03  admin : __bpc_pidStart__ 16457

2018-10-29 01:04:26  admin : __bpc_pidEnd__ 16457

2018-10-29 01:04:26 BackupPC_nightly now running BackupPC_sendEmail

2018-10-29 01:04:27 Finished  admin  (BackupPC_nightly -m -P 10 0 127)

2018-10-29 01:07:13  admin1 : __bpc_pidEnd__ 16458

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Finished  admin1  (BackupPC_nightly -P 10 128 255)

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Pool nightly clean removed 0 files of size 0.00GB

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Pool is 0.00GB, 0 files (0 repeated, 0 max chain,
0 max links), 0 directories

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Cpool nightly clean removed 0 files of size 0.00GB

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Cpool is 0.00GB, 0 files (0 repeated, 0 max chain,
0 max links), 0 directories

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Pool4 nightly clean removed 0 files of size 0.00GB

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Pool4 is 0.00GB, 0 files (0 repeated, 0 max chain,
0 max links), 0 directories

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Cpool4 nightly clean removed 36902 files of size 1.10GB

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Cpool4 is 92.23GB, 1406944 files (0 repeated, 0
max chain, 75576 max links), 16512 directories

2018-10-29 01:07:13 Running BackupPC_rrdUpdate (pid=16597)

2018-10-29 01:07:14  admin-1 : 2018-10-29 01:07:14 RRD updated: date
1540857600; cpoolKb 0.000000; total 2907482280.097656; poolKb
0.000000; pool4Kb 0.000000; cpool4Kb 94439608.000000

2018-10-29 01:07:14 Finished  admin-1  (BackupPC_rrdUpdate)

2018-10-29 02:00:00 Disk too full (96%); skipped 39 hosts

2018-10-29 02:00:00 Next wakeup is 2018-10-29 03:00:00

2018-10-29 03:00:00 Next wakeup is 2018-10-29 04:00:00

2018-10-29 03:00:01 Started full backup on X
<> (pid=17422,


2018-10-29 04:00:00 Disk too full (96%); skipped 39 hosts

It seemed to have resumed the backups without intervention from me.

I have since increased the volume capacity anyway.

Kind regards,


*From:* Craig Barratt via BackupPC-users [mailto:]
*Sent:* 30 October 2018 18:12
*To:* General list for user discussion, questions and support <>
*Cc:* Craig Barratt <>
*Subject:* Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC administrative attention needed
email incorrect?

Holger is correct - the email reports the cumulative number of hosts
skipped over the last 24 hours.

If you look in the main LOG file you should see timestamped messages for
each wakeup, like this:

Disk too full (XX%); skipped YY hosts

Based on the email message, you should see several of those messages
(likely 4 as Holger suggests with 39 hosts each) over the last 24 hours.


On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 10:42 AM Jamie Burchell <> wrote:


Thanks for the quick reply. I see, yes that does seem like the most likely
explanation. I didn't consider than 156 could be an accumulative value. I
didn't manually delete anything, so I'm guessing a clean-up happened.

Thanks again

-----Original Message-----
From: Holger Parplies []
Sent: 30 October 2018 15:24
To: Jamie Burchell <>
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC administrative attention needed
email incorrect?


Jamie Burchell wrote on 2018-10-30 09:31:13 -0000 [[BackupPC-users]
BackupPC administrative attention needed email incorrect?]:
> [...]
> Yesterday, I received the following email from the BackupPC process:
> [...]
> > Yesterday 156 hosts were skipped because the file system containing
> > /var/lib/BackupPC/ was too full.  [...]
> The email was correct in that disk space was low, but the number of
> reported ???hosts skipped??? doesn???t seem right. I have 39 hosts,
> 152 full backups and 952 incrementals. The email says they were
> skipped, but there are no gaps that I can see in any of the backups.
> Just wondering if this is a bug.

without looking into the code, 156 seems to be 4 * 39 - could it be that
after 4 wakeups disk space dropped low enough for backups to resume (by
backup expiration or someone deleting something from the partition)? That
would explain that there is no gap. You just might find the backups
happened at a slightly later point in time than you would normally expect.

Hope that helps.


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