Le 23/11/2018 à 19:54, Craig Barratt via BackupPC-users a écrit :
> Daniel,

Hi Craig

> Here are two things to try (in theory either one should work):
>   * use an IP address (anything) instead of a bogus host name,

The hostname is not really bogus, as it's a valid one behind the
bastion. And it makes it easier to manage my .ssh/config on BackupPC's side

>   * set $Conf{NmbLookupFindHostCmd} to an empty string; if the DNS
>     lookup fails and $Conf{NmbLookupFindHostCmd} is empty, then
>     whatever host name you use should be used without a lookup error.

Great, I'll test this ASAP and let you know

Thanks for your answer :-)




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        *Daniel Berteaud*

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Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
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