How do you configure a client Windows with the protocole Rsyncd and the 
interface of backuppc ? Kind regards,Michael NANA 
  Le mer, févr. 6 2019 à 4:35 PM, Gordon 
Haverland<> a écrit :   Both full and incremental 
backups seem to be working.  I am using the
checksum thing.

Below is about where things stand now (on the client machine).  


root@newmain2:/var/lib# ls -ld backuppc/
dr-xr-x--- 4 backuppc1 backuppc 4096 Feb  4 15:38 backuppc/

root@newmain2:/var/lib# ls -la backuppc/
-r-xr-x---  1 backuppc1 backuppc  75 Feb  4 13:15 .onlyrc
-r-xr-x---  1 backuppc1 backuppc  403 Feb  4 13:43 .onlyrules
dr-xr-x---  2 backuppc1 backuppc 4096 Feb  5 08:03 .ssh
drwxr-x---  2 backuppc1 backuppc 4096 Jan 24 12:06 log

root@newmain2:/var/lib# ls -la backuppc/.ssh
-r-xr--r-- 1 backuppc1 backuppc  210 Feb  3 18:12 authorized_keys
-rw-r--r-- 1 backuppc1 backuppc    0 Feb  5 08:03 known_hosts

In terms of what file gets visited first, that would be
the .ssh/authorized_keys file.


I edited part of the content.  But that is all one line.  I believe I
could also add from="" to the beginning of that line, to
further restrict the use of this key.

The command being run is "only" with an argument of /usr/bin/sudo.
Only is installed in /usr/local/bin.  There is no Debian package for

The reference for "only" is

Only can make use of two other files.  The .onlyrc file just has
comments in it, it could easily be empty.

The .onlyrules file contains:

\:^/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms
--owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times --block-size=2048
--recursive --checksum-seed=32761 --ignore-times . /:{p;q}
\:^/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms
--owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times --block-size=2048
--recursive --checksum-seed=32761 . /:{p;q}

These are sed patterns.  The first pattern matches the rsync command
being used to do a full backup, and the second matches the rsync
command being used to do an incremental backup.  The only difference
is the --ignore-times.

If the command coming in matches a pattern (and I only have 2 listed),
that line is "printed",  If no line matches, nothing is "printed".  The
first match, is the one which triggers the "print", so that patterns
from go from most specific to least specific.

As I have not looked at doing restores (yet), I am missing any rsync
commands related to those.

In any event, sudo (as the user backuppc1) is looking to run rsync.

root@newmain2:/var/lib# cat /etc/sudoers.d/backuppc 
backuppc1 newmain2=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/rsync

So sudoers.d/backuppc is letting backuppc1 run rsync as root, with no

The permissions on ~/, ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys are tighter
than most people use, as I've removed write permission for backuppc1 in
their home directory, in the .ssh directory and for the
authorized_keys file.  This is probably just an annoyance for someone
skilled at breaking in, but it should stop accidental clumsyness from
causing problems.  I could have set the immutable attribute on some
things, which might make it more difficult to cause problems.  But I
think that having the rsync process running as root probably  gives
them all the abilities they need to get past a bunch of security,
should they desire to do so.  Maybe AppArmor or SELinux could mitigate
against some of those problems?  I know very little about them.


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