On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 22:22:48 +0100
Hubert SCHMITT <sch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good evening to all.

Good dayght

> I updated my Gentoo recently and since it's done i can't write any
> BackupPC configuration changes through the CGI, i always get the same
> message : *TextFileWrite: Failed to
> write /etc/BackupPC/pc/myhost.pl.new (errno = Read-only file system,
> uids = 1005,1005, gids = 81 81,81 81, umask = 027, ver = v5.26.2, prog

your problem seems to lay here, 027 == rwxr-x--- (inverse of mask)
so, the apache user can't write to your file, even if the file
owner/group is: backuppc:www-data (or whatever group apache user is in.)

Mine is:
-rw-rw---- 1 backuppc www-data 99613 2019-02-20 00:13 config.pl


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