
I have been running backuppc on a Ubuntu server for more than a decade now and have recently run into a weird problem.

After a full backup, the next incremental fails. It starts as planned, but never finishes. See picture below, of a backup still running.

Eventually BackupPC times out and starts a new run. Ad infinitum. So I interrupt the backup and start it manually, using the command /usr/share/backuppc/bin/BackupPC_dump -v -i trip-svr01.triplence.com. The -i is there because I have stopped and suspended the regular schedule for a few hours.

This then succeeds and the next scheduled incremental after that succeeds as well. Until after the next full.

Here is an excerpt from the log. The first backup starts on schedule and then gets aborted by the timeout. I then started one manually and it succeeds. The next one starts on schedule and now succeeds too.

   2019-03-02 21:00:19 incr backup started back to 2019-02-26 21:00:20
   (backup #1739) for directory rootfs
   2019-03-03 17:17:39 Aborting backup up after signal ALRM
   2019-03-03 17:17:41 Got fatal error during xfer (aborted by signal=ALRM)
   2019-03-03 17:17:44 incr backup started back to 2019-02-26 21:00:20
   (backup #1739) for directory rootfs
   2019-03-03 17:50:30 incr backup 1741 complete, 221 files, 160585939
   bytes, 0 xferErrs (0 bad files, 0 bad shares, 0 other)
   2019-03-03 17:50:30 removing incr backup 1734
   2019-03-04 21:00:02 incr backup started back to 2019-02-26 21:00:20
   (backup #1739) for directory rootfs
   2019-03-04 21:38:14 incr backup 1742 complete, 258 files, 163013663
   bytes, 0 xferErrs (0 bad files, 0 bad shares, 0 other)

The server is running Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, with stock BackupPC.

   ii  backuppc 3.3.1-2ubuntu3.3                           amd64
   high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up PCs

The server makes backups of a number of remote systems, using rsync(d). This has been going well for years, but now I have one system failing rather predictably. Nothing has changed in the setup of BackupPC, or that of the remote server.

The remote server is connected via a VPN (OpenVPN) and network traffic is routed by the firewalls/gateways on either end. A while back, the remote firewall software has been changed from IPcop to Ipfire. Still running OpenVPN with, as far as I can tell, the same settings. Albeit a newer version.

All other servers are behind the same remote firewall, but don't exhibit the same problem.

A while back I did have some of the other server backups stall too, but manual backups then stalled as well. After removing the file on which it stalled or excluding the entire directory, backups continued as normal. Tcpdump showed that in these cases rsync traffic stopped for some reason. There where a few TCP retransmissions and then nothing. Weird and unexpected too, but reproducible.

But the recent failures are just not reproducible manually.

Any ideas, anyone?

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