
concerning the Fuse interface:

On 11.04.19 01:38, Adam Goryachev wrote:
Perhaps someone will update the fuse plugin to work with BPC4, which could make this a lot easier.

That someone goes by "Craig": the one we all know and love and without whom this project wouldn't fly.




It's not 100% perfect, but close to - Craig mentions broken up hardlinks, I experienced some set-up trouble concerning file ownership (cause not all client users exist on the server) and permissions. Read the fine manual for mount options for Fuse filesystems on how to allow arbitrary users to search the Fuse paths; you'll mount as backuppc user, but by default even root cannot traverse the Fuse paths. For good reasons, but in this case it's annoying. Also, it's slow.

But those are issues that are fundamental to Fuse, AFAICS, and do not tell anything about BackupPCFS' quality. At least it's very convenient to occasionally browse backups.


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