On 2019-04-29 08:08, Tapio Lehtonen wrote:
I split a host to two backups, because dump directory contains virtual
machine dump files which are big and are taken every night. So I needed
shorter keep time for those backups to not run out of disk on the backup
host. But this new backup setup does not seem to work. I takes a long
time but XferLOGbad shows this:

create 644 0/0 100609398737 rottank/bupool/dump/vzdump-qemu-5099-2019_04_25-00_16_31.vma.lzo pool 644 0/0 11286 rottank/bupool/dump/vzdump-qemu-5099-2019_04_26-00_16_26.log finish: removing in-process file rottank/bupool/dump/vzdump-qemu-5099-2019_04_26-00_16_26.vma.lzo
Child is aborting
Done: 89 files, 910772510921 bytes
Got fatal error during xfer (aborted by signal=ALRM)
Backup aborted by user signal
Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the prior one (got 89 and 89 files versus 176002)

Does the last line mean BackupPC things this backup ought to have 176002 files, and since only 89 files got backed up this backup is thrown away?

The same host is backed up twice, I added exclude for that dump/
director and this new backup only backs up that dump/ directory.

There are a few things to address here:
* The removed in-process file -- presumably, you want to back this up; since it's a huge file, there may be issues with timeout settings, et al. but the log is saying it's not backed up. * "Splitting a host into two backups" isn't necessarily the best idea. While it can work for non-overlapping shares, you're working against the grain in terms of fills, etc. What you probably want to do is split the host into two hosts and manage them independently, so BackupPC is making the right assumptions in terms of how to do fills, what to keep, etc. * As you work through these issues, you probably want to include the relevant configs, e.g., rsync parameters for 100G files and how you're splitting the hosts.
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