
On 01.08.19 18:03, G.W. Haywood via BackupPC-users wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Fri, 26 Jul 2019, Ted Toal wrote:
>> Is it easy to make updates to the documentation?
> I haven't seen a reply to this so I'll take a stab at it, although I
> don't really know the proper procedure.  Mr. Barratt will know.

no offense meant to Ted, but I dare to guess a reason for the silence:
folks simply think that the explanation in the documentation is
sufficiently precise. And, to be honest, I tend to agree (with a very
minor exception, see the last paragraph of this mail). In particular
since I cannot remember that particular question popping up in the last
couple of years I follow this list.

Anyway, not trying to keep you from proposing something to improve.

> It's not clear to me where you saw the "BackupPC documentation" which
> you mentioned in your OP.

I'd think it's the most official source I can imagine: the 4.3.1 docs,
directly linked from the home of http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/, at

The questionable passage is:

BackupPC pools identical files. By "identical files" we mean files with
identical contents, not necessary the same permissions, ownership or
modification time. Two files might have different permissions,
ownership, or modification time but will still be pooled whenever the
contents are identical. This is possible since BackupPC stores the file
metadata (permissions, ownership, and modification time) separately from
the file contents.

I have no brilliant idea how one could spell out "identical contents"
more precise. But as a suggestion:

Would replacing "same permissions, ownership or modification time" by
"same filename, path, permissions, ownership, modification time, or
other metadata" make the crowd more happy?

IMHO, the only *serious* non-trivial case regarding the "sameness" of
files are alternate data streams on NTFS. A caveat regarding those might
be in order, if anyone already wants to touch the docs. (AFAIK, ADSs are
not part of the backup.)


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