On 2019-12-30 12:24, White FrosT wrote:

Dear list, I have an issue installing backuppc on my new network disk running Linux 4.2.8 ARMv71. I think I have managed all preconditions in perl (v5.28.1) and are ready to install, but I run into an issue with configure.pl [1]. It doesn't let me set the user to run BackupPC with. See the snapshot of the script output below: --> BackupPC should run as user [backuppc] getpwnam() says that user backuppc doesn't exist. Please check the name and verify that this user is in the passwd file. But the user does exist on my system, see: [/.../BackupPC-4.3.1] # grep backuppc /etc/passwd backuppc:x:1000:1000::/share/homes/Backupuser/: I cannot seem to workaround this problem. Does anyone have any leads?
Thanks a lot!

For what it's worth, I've seen this behavior when shadow hasn't properly
been updated, and it took (takes?) running vipw, then rebooting. YMMV
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