Hi Marcelo,

On 5/1/20 4:15 PM, Marcelo Ricardo Leitner wrote:

Is it expected for rsync-bpc to be writting such large temporary files?

If and only if there is such a big file to be backed up, AFAIK.

It seems they are as big as the full backup itself:
# ls -la */*/rsync*
-rw------- 1 112 122 302598406144 May  1 10:54 HOST/180/rsyncTmp.4971.0.29

Did you double-check whether there really is no file of that size on the HOST? (Try running `find $share -size +100000M` on it, or something like that.)

Do you use the -x (or --one-file-system) option for rsync?
I recently ran into a similar issue because I didn't. A chrooted process suddenly received its own copy of /proc under /var/lib/<processname>/proc after a system update, and proc has the 128T-huge kcore. Not a good idea trying to back up that directory. (Running dhcpcd on Arch by any chance?) It also got other mounts, like sysfs and some tmpfs, but those were mostly harmless.

That's a 300GB file, it filled the partition, and the full size for
this host is 337GB.



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