Hi there,

On Fri, 26 Feb 2021, backu...@kosowsky.org wrote:

... useful in case you have multiple backuppc servers backing up a
single client (I do this so that I have totally redundant backups in
case one backuppc server fails)

Good idea to have "totally" independent backups, but do note that if
they're both provided by BackupPC then the word "totally" is perhaps
overstating the case somewhat.  There's a risk that a failure in the
backup software itself will give you the same problem on both of the
"totally" independent backup systems and there's even a risk that, if
both systems are running simultaneously, something malicious will get
into both systems simultaneously and do damage.  Result, misery.  The
use of e.g. a different operating system on the backup system is also
worth considering, so backing up a few Windows boxes using a Linux box
makes sense to me (although I'm not sure that I'd ever consider doing
that the other way around - I'd consider that a Windows backup server
would put any linux boxes on the same network at unnecessary risk).

I too have an ("almost") independent BackupPC system on an old surplus
box, but it's switched OFF most of the time, so even if a malicious act
or software fault causes data loss on the main backup, the inactive one
won't suffer a coincident loss.  I also employ ad-hoc, parallel backups
using tar and rsync, which copy things which change infrequently, and a
few database dumps (that covers most stuff here) to things big SD cards
(via USB sticks, which are almost inherently offline most of the time).

The backup boxes also run their own (more or less independent) firewalls.

Of course the independent backup boxes aren't all in the same building.

PS: The wife's Pi4B has been running fine for a few weeks but then she
plugged in a DVD reader.  It's now crashed (judging by the language) at
least five or six times in the last 24 hours.  I just thought that I'd
mention it, in case you use Pi4Bs for backup despite my dire warnings.

PPS: Guys, for those of us on the digest list, do you think you could
trim your posts a bit?  Most of the time I don't read the dozen-times
copied diatribes so it almost defeats the point of a mailing list.



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