On 4/5/21 22:00, Ralph Sikau wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 28.04.2021, 16:30 +0000 schrieb backuppc-
However, I have a suspicion that you are on the right track.  If a backup is 
missed, then it is put into the queue and it will start as soon as it is able 
to.  You may be able to use the blackout hours to help.
I think it would help if I could get answers to these
1. For how long does the backup system STAY awake after
having been awakened according to the WakeupSchedule?
Until the queue is empty.
2. When a backup starts at 11:30 pm will it go on then over
midnight during the following night or will ist go on hold
at midnight?
A started backup will continue until finished regardless of blackout periods etc.
3. Is there a possibility to see what is hold in the backup
Yes, on the web interface, click "Current Queues"
Maybe you have the answers.

More information:

When backuppc wakes up, it will put all hosts that are due to be backed up on the queue (ie, their backup schedule and last backup completed times are too far apart). It will then take the number of jobs from the queue that your config says it can run in parallel, and starts them. If a backup starts but is inside the blackout winder, then it is immediately stopped (ie, it never really actually starts the xfer), and is removed from the queue. Same if the ping time is too long, or whatever other constraint that suggests the backup has failed/can't start. The next backup on the queue will then start. Eventually, all backups on the queue will complete, and backuppc goes back to sleep.

If the backups took too long, and continued past the next wakup period, then all due hosts not already on the queue will be added to the queue. This is why you can set wakeup schedule every 5 minutes, without causing a problem. The wakeup schedule basically just defines the minimum amount of time after a backup becomes due, before the backup will be placed on the queue.


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