Kenneth Porter wrote at about 10:36:44 -0700 on Monday, May 10, 2021:
 > --On Monday, May 10, 2021 1:16 PM -0500 Gerald Brandt <> 
 > wrote:
 > > I'm looking for actual physical disk usage of the backup. My disk is 96%
 > > full and I want to know which host is using most of the space.
 > Coincidentally, I was recently thinking that it would be nifty to replace 
 > the current tree display with the treemap-based one from kdirstat and 
 > WinDirStat. The treemap makes it really easy to see where the disk hogs 
 > are, and those programs are open source, so a plugin for BackupPC would be 
 > welcome.
 > Check out the screenshots of the two program:
 > <>
 > <>

As others have pointed out, finding the disk hogs is not a simple
problem since files are shared across multiple backups (for a single
machine) and across multiple machines for common files.

Hence, a single treemap wouldn't necessarily make a lot of sense since
there is no easy way to distinguish a directory that consumes a lot of
backup space since it's branches contain unique files that combined
add up to a lot of space from a directory that seems similarly large
but actually adds little incremental space since its files are shared
across multiple backups and machines.

One would have to walk the full directory tree to calculate how much of each
directory is unique vs. shared, let alone knowing how broadly it is
shared (eg., across how many backups for a given machine? across how
many different machines).

Even if you were content with seeing a standalone heat map for one
backup (as unhelpful as it may be), creating it would be quite slow
since you would need to access, unpack/uncompress, and read each attrib file
to calculate the file sizes.

Try to do a 'du -s' on a top level directory under backupcfs and you
will see how slow this is.

Of course, if you "welcome" such a plugin, you are more than
"welcome" to write one as this is an open source project...

I just don't see it happening by itself as the dev team is small (mostly Craig)
and focused on core stability and functionality.

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