Gavin Henry wrote at about 19:43:56 +0100 on Saturday, July 24, 2021:
 > Hi all,
 > On my home desktop my backups are going to a 2TB usb drive. All good. It's
 > filling up, so I bought a 4TB usb one and have rsynced all data on the same
 > type of filesystem too (rsync -av --delete) but when I mount it and restart
 > BackupPC, nothing shows. Put the old drive back and re-mount/restart and
 > they are all there.
 > What have I missed here?
 > Thanks,
 > Gavin.

While this doesn't explain your problem, if you are still using
backuppc v3, then you need to include the -H (preserve hard links) flag to
rsync or it will copy all the linked files in the pc tree (as well as
the (c)pool) rather than preserving hard links.

If you have any reasonable number of backups and you are already
filling up 2TB, then eliminating the hard links will likely more than
fill your new 4TB drive.

On the other hand rsync with -H is *very* slow and memory intensive on
2TB of data.

Hopefully, you have backuppc v4, which does not have the hard link
limitation issue so that you can just do a regular rsync.

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