wrote at about 21:53:48 -0500 on Saturday, January 22, 
 > Kenneth Porter wrote at about 18:27:52 -0800 on Saturday, January 22, 2022:
 >  > --On Saturday, January 22, 2022 8:55 PM -0500 wrote:
 >  > 
 >  > > It gets "stuck" at varying places... as IO slows to a complete halt
 >  > > (based on iftop) until rsync timesout.
 >  > > Similarly, 'strace' stalls.
 >  > >
 >  > > This happens even if I run rsync_bpc from the command line directly,
 >  > > but it does *not* happen when I use native rsync with the comparable
 >  > > options.
 >  > >
 >  > > Any ideas on how to debug this further?
 >  > 
 >  > Once it stalls but before the timeout, run ps and lsof to see what files 
 >  > are open by the rsync_bpc. Maybe run from gdb and force a break at that 
 >  > point to get a stack dump.
 >  > 
 > lsof doesn't show any open backup files on the BackupPC server.
 > The Android host shows that
 > '/data/app-lib/com.adobe.reader-10/' is open.
 > Not sure why this would cause a problem as it is only 6.6MB. On the
 > other hand, it is the largest file that is transferred as the first 25
 > or so files are all < 0.5MB.
 > I can try to exclude it and see if/where it gets stuck when that file
 > is excluded.

Indeed, whenever I exclude a file larger than ~0.5MB, it gets stuck on
the next file larger than ~0.5MB

Doesn't quite make sense since native rsync works so it would seem to
be something with rsync-bpc...

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