No great suggestions for resolution from me but I have some sympathy with you having had similar issues occasionally in the past.

I have a number of rsyncd hosts set up on my main Win10 desktop - basically one for each disk or part of to keep the backups down to a reasonable duration.   I'm running DeltaCopy Server.

When one of my backups 'stalled' after having worked for a while, it would do as you have found and stall at the same place each time.  Other disks/hosts were not affected and completed fine, so it was nothing intrinsically wrong with DeltaCopy or backuppc.  I could monitor the file transfer via the Win10 Task Manager>Performance Tab > Resource Monitor > Disk tab and selecting the right rsync process for the problematic disk.  At least that gave me confidence that the transfer was starting properly and progressing - and I could tell when it properly stuck, and at which folder on the Win10 machine.

I couldn't find any informative messages in the backuppc logs to help me solve it.  When I manually stopped the backups, the partial backups were generally removed or merged and the logs just showed that I had aborted the xfer.

What seems to have helped overcome the problem is, although I fail to understand quite why, are:
- splitting the host into two, and
- copying the files from the folder at which the transfer stalled into another folder, and - I probably checked the Win10 folder permissions were OK and inherited by sub-folders.


On 03/03/2022 14:23, Akibu Flash wrote:

Just bumping this up… any suggestions for a resolution?  Thanks.

*From:* Akibu Flash <>
*Sent:* Monday, February 28, 2022 4:32 PM
*Subject:* [BackupPC-users] Real Time View of What Is Being Copied

Dear All,

I backup a couple of Windows machines to a linux machine via rsync.  However, the backup for one of the Windows machines never finishes and results in a partial backup.  In the CGI user interface Count column, the backup always seems to hang at 311941 for hours and hours.  Then at some point, the backup apparently stops and afterwards another backup which by that time has queued up starts anew.  Never do I get a completed backup only a partial (at least for the last year or so).

Is there a way to start a backup from the command line and have the screen show what in real time is actually being backed up?  If so, what would that command be? It may be that the BackupPC is somehow getting stuck on a file but that is only speculation.

Any other ideas as to what my be happening?

I decompressed the partial backup log file (backup #884) using the command BackupPC_zcat XferLOG.884.z. I have reproduced the bottom portion below.

Any assistance in helping to track down what is happening is appreciated.  I do see in the log that there is an error message indicating an “error in the rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226).

Thanks in advance.

Best, Akibu

G bpc_open(Downloads/Downloads/BackupPC-4.3.2/images/logo.gif, 0x0, 00) -> 3

G bpc_read(3 (Downloads/Downloads/BackupPC-4.3.2/images/logo.gif), buf, 1394) tmpFd = -1

G bpc_close(3 (Downloads/Downloads/BackupPC-4.3.2/images/logo.gif))

G bpc_fileDescFree: fdNum = 3, tmpFd = -1, tmpFileName = NULL

G bpc_lstat(Downloads/Downloads/BackupPC-4.3.2/images/logo320.png)

G bpc_file_checksum(Downloads/Downloads/BackupPC-4.3.2/images/logo320.png)

G bpc_open(Downloads/Downloads/BackupPC-4.3.2/images/logo320.png, 0x0, 00) -> 3

G bpc_read(3 (Downloads/Downloads/BackupPC-4.3.2/images/logo320.png), buf, 7814) tmpFd = -1

G bpc_close(3 (Downloads/Downloads/BackupPC-4.3.2/images/logo320.png))

G bpc_fileDescFree: fdNum = 3, tmpFd = -1, tmpFileName = NULL

rsync_bpc: connection unexpectedly closed (23961310 bytes received so far) [receiver]

R bpc_sysCall_cleanup: doneInit = 1

Done: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 0 filesTotal, 0 sizeTotal, 0 filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 24467705 inode

Parsing done: nFilesTotal = 0

rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [receiver=]

rsync_bpc: connection unexpectedly closed (24012481 bytes received so far) [generator]

G bpc_sysCall_cleanup: doneInit = 1

DoneGen: 0 errors, 0 filesExist, 0 sizeExist, 0 sizeExistComp, 311942 filesTotal, 569449707538 sizeTotal, 0 filesNew, 0 sizeNew, 0 sizeNewComp, 24467704 inode

Parsing done: nFilesTotal = 311942

rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [generator=]

rsync_bpc exited with fatal status 12 (3072) (rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [generator=])

Xfer PIDs are now

Got fatal error during xfer (rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [generator=])

Backup aborted (rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [generator=])

BackupFailCleanup: nFilesTotal = 311942, type = full, BackupCase = 4, inPlace = 0, lastBkupNum = 883

Removing prior partial backup #883

Xfer PIDs are now 38440

BackupPC_backupDelete: removing #883

BackupPC_backupDelete: Merge into backup 327

mergeDir: name = attrib, path = .

bpc_attrib_backwardCompat: WriteOldStyleAttribFile = 0, KeepOldAttribFiles = 0

mergeDir: skipping name = refCnt, path = ./refCnt

mergeDir: skipping name = needFsck.newDir, path = ./refCnt/needFsck.newDir

mergeDir: skipping name = noPoolCntOk, path = ./refCnt/noPoolCntOk

mergeDir: skipping name = backupInfo, path = ./backupInfo

removing remaining directory tree /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/883

Xfer PIDs are now 38441,38440

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host mark-desktop #321: gotFsck = , gotDelta = , gotPoolCnt = 1, gotNoPoolCntOk =

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host mark-desktop #327: gotFsck = 1, gotDelta = , gotPoolCnt = 1, gotNoPoolCntOk =

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host mark-desktop #884: gotFsck = 1, gotDelta = , gotPoolCnt = 1, gotNoPoolCntOk =

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #327 (fsck = 1)

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #327 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/327/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_0_38441 with 1048577 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #327 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/327/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_1_38441 with 638055 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 (fsck = 1)

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/884/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_2_38441 with 1048577 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/884/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_3_38441 with 1048577 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/884/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_4_38441 with 1048577 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/884/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_5_38441 with 409030 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: computing totals for host mark-desktop

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host mark-desktop got 0 errors (took 909 secs)

BackupPC_refCountUpdate total errors: 0

Xfer PIDs are now 38440

BackupPC_backupDelete: got 0 errors

Xfer PIDs are now

Finished BackupPC_backupDelete, status = 0 (running time: 910 sec)

Xfer PIDs are now

Running BackupPC_refCountUpdate -h mark-desktop -f on mark-desktop

Xfer PIDs are now 38457

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host mark-desktop #321: gotFsck = , gotDelta = , gotPoolCnt = 1, gotNoPoolCntOk =

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host mark-desktop #327: gotFsck = , gotDelta = , gotPoolCnt = 1, gotNoPoolCntOk =

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host mark-desktop #884: gotFsck = , gotDelta = , gotPoolCnt = 1, gotNoPoolCntOk =

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #327 (fsck = 1)

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #327 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/327/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_0_38457 with 1048577 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #327 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/327/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_1_38457 with 638055 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 (fsck = 1)

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/884/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_2_38457 with 1048577 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/884/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_3_38457 with 1048577 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/884/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_4_38457 with 1048577 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: processing host mark-desktop #884 deltaFile /var/lib/backuppc/pc/mark-desktop/884/refCnt/poolCntDelta_1_0_5_38457 with 409030 entries

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: computing totals for host mark-desktop

BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host mark-desktop got 0 errors (took 595 secs)

BackupPC_refCountUpdate total errors: 0

Xfer PIDs are now

Finished BackupPC_refCountUpdate (running time: 596 sec)

Xfer PIDs are now

[backuppc@fuegoberlin mark-desktop]$

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