Hi BackupPC list members,

just to let you know:

BackupPC::Storage::Text.pm needs a patch.

To be more exact, within sub ConfigFileMerge, the line reading

    my $d = Data::Dumper->new([$newConf->{$var}], [*value]);

should become

    my $d = Data::Dumper->new([$newConf->{$var}]);

(just omit tle ast argument in the call).

That's a timebomb sitting there, as the existent code works fine only as long as the installed Data::Dumper on the system is somewhat older, (probably) having version below 2.182_51.

(See a somewhat more detailed discussion about it at https://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=11142844.)

Without the patch, as soon as Data::Dumper will be upgraded/refreshed, any further attempt to edit BackupPC config variables will ruin any config.pl files touched within /etc/BackupPC.

Happend to me on an up-to-date Fedora 35 system.

I've tried to get in touch with Craig Barrat (the BackupPC author and maintainer, afaik), but haven't succeded yet.


Iosif Fettich

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