I have a home file server that also runs backuppc for a number of other 
servers. Backuppc backs up /home (host localhome) on the file server so I can 
recover from accidentally deleted files.

Originally, /var/lib/backuppc was mapped to its own partition which 
periodically caused space issues. I recently moved the backuppc data folder to 
/home/backuppc and mapped it to /var/lib/backuppc but forgot to exclude the 
/home/backuppc folder from backups of /home. Backuppc completed backup 325 and 
part of 326 before I noticed the problem. I excluded /home/backuppc from 
further backups and did a manual incremental backup which created 327 (partial 
backup 326 disappeared).  

Although the cpool size did not increase, pc/localhome is over 2GB bigger. I 
tried running "BackupPC_Delete -h localhome -n 327 -s home backuppc" in the 
hope that would clean up the pointers but it merged #327/home/backuppc -> 
#325/home/backuppc.  I repeated the process with backup 325 which merged 
#325/home/backuppc -> #324/home/backuppc.  Right now, pc/localhome/324 takes up 
644MB while pc/localhome/327 takes up 1015MB, compared to under 15MB before.

Is there a way to get rid of the unnecessary pointers to /home/backuppc or do I 
just wait for them to age out?
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