Hi  Alexander,

here's what probably has bitten yoou:


Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 11:45:54 -0700
From: Craig Barratt <notificati...@github.com>
Reply-To: backuppc/backuppc 
To: backuppc/backuppc <backu...@noreply.github.com>
Cc: Iosif Fettich <ifett...@netsoft.ro>, Mention <ment...@noreply.github.com>
Subject: [backuppc/backuppc] Config write fails with Data::Dumper versions >= 
2.182 (Issue #466)
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@ifettich [github.com] discovered that config file writing fails with Data::Dumper versions > 2.178 due to a typo in the Data::Dumper->new() call. The second argument is missing a qw() wrapper. This was benign up to around Data::Dumper version < 2.182, but some changes to the XS library since then expose the long-time bug in BackupPC.

Because Data::Dumper is used in terse mode, there's no need to provide the variable name in the second argument. So the fix is to simply remove the 2nd argument. That fix is backward compatible with older versions of Data::Dumper.


Hope this helps a little bit. Mosty probably updating your BackupPC to the corrected version is all you need to do (besides restoring the settings that you had in use....)

Best regards,

Iosif Fettich

On Wed, 9 Nov 2022, Alexander Kobel wrote:

Dear all,

I receive validation errors of my config file after changes to the (global) 
config in the web interface. Consequently, BackupPC terminates.

I'm absolutely sure that this worked before; my last (host) config change dates 
back to Feb 2022, the last global config change happened mid 2020. 
Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint a specific culprit (system) update anymore. 
Normal operation is not affected, so I didn't spot the issue earlier; just 
undoing the most recent perl-related updates from today's regular update does 
not help.

The issue is that upon changing the main config or, e.g., adding a host, HASH 
or ARRAY entries in the config file are written with parentheses rather than 
braces or brackets, as expected. In turn, I receive

Software error:

Not an ARRAY reference at /usr/share/backuppc/lib/BackupPC/CGI/Lib.pm line 468.

or similar messages on operations that re-read the config, accompanied by 
crashes of the server. Attached is a diff of the config folder, with entries 

< $Conf{ClientShareName2Path} = {};
$Conf{ClientShareName2Path} = ();
< $Conf{RsyncIncrArgsExtra} = [];
$Conf{RsyncIncrArgsExtra} = ();

I can fix the config manually and the server starts again; however, I'm not 
100% confident whether some log/configuration data is written periodically, 
e.g. on nightlies, and more dragons hide behind the scenes.

Did anyone experience a similar problem? Any know incompatibilities with one of 
the more recent perl packages? Any clues what might be the problem?

For context, I'm on Arch, pretty much up-to-date; relevant versions of 
BackupPC, web server and dependencies are

backuppc 4.4.0-5
lighttpd 1.4.67-1

glibc 2.36-6
popt 1.18-3
perl 5.36.0-1
par2cmdline 0.8.1-2
perl-archive-zip 1.68-7
perl-io-dirent 0.05-15
perl-file-listing 6.15-2
perl-time-modules 2013.0912-8
perl-cgi 4.54-2
perl-xml-rss 1.62-1
perl-json-xs 4.03-3
postfix 3.7.3-2

Thanks and cheers,

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