
I used BackupPC since decades for a dozen of PC (Linux and Windows) using rsync/tar through ssh. Some hosts are connected through ADSL connection. It works perfectly well and fully fit my needs.

Recently I decided to duplicate backuppc data on a remote mini server (OrangePi+2E + 1TB HDD). I created a script to rsync the cpool directory separately (rsync spended too much time to compute diff because of the low data rate link). It takes 2 months for the initial replication! Anyway, it's done and incremental synchronization should be done in less than an hour per day.

Now I want to start the BackupPc daemon on the replicated data to ease backup access. So I need to avoid any nightly pool cleaning (it will be done by my rsync script) and disable backup from any hosts. I use this configuration settings:
  $Conf{WakeupSchedule} = [];
  $Conf{MaxBackupPCNightlyJobs} = 0;
  $Conf{PoolSizeNightlyUpdatePeriod} = 0;
  $Conf{PoolNightlyDigestCheckPercent} = 0;
  $Conf{RefCntFsck} = 0;
  $Conf{FullPeriod} = -1;
  $Conf{BackupsDisable} = 2;
  $Conf{EMailNotifyMinDays} = 365;

I'm confident with disabling host backup feature but I'm not sure those settings fully deactivate nightly pool cleaning. Can someone correct it ? Thanks in advance

I added my synchronization script and the associated crontable. Every thing is running on same account (backuppc user).


    Laurent Mazet

Synchronization script:


# check disk mountage
mount | grep -q 'on /mnt/volume type' || { echo disk not mounted; exit 1; }

# don't kill old binary
[ -f "$RUN" ] && pid=$(cat $RUN)
if [ "$pid" ]; then
pids=$(pstree -a -p $pid | awk '{sub(/,/, " "); printf("%s%s", sep, $2); sep=" "}')
     #[ "$pids" ] && kill -TERM $pids
     if [ "$pids" ]; then
         echo "process $pids already running at $(date -R)" >> $LOG
         exit 0
echo $$ > $RUN
echo "process $$ starts at $(date -R)" >> $LOG

# sync configuration
rsync -qa $HOST:/etc/backuppc4/hosts /etc/backuppc/
rsync -qa $HOST:/etc/backuppc4/htpasswd /etc/backuppc/
rsync -qa --delete $HOST:/etc/backuppc4/pc/\*.pl /etc/backuppc/pc/

# sync cpool
for d in $(ssh $HOST find $BACKUP/cpool/ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d); do
     [ -d "$d" ] || mkdir -p $d
     rsync -qa --delete $HOST:$d $d && sync

# sync files
rsync -qa --delete $HOST:$BACKUP/pc/ $BACKUP/pc/ && sync
rsync -qa --delete $HOST:$BACKUP/pool/ $BACKUP/pool/ && sync

# clean
rm -f $RUN
echo "process $$ ends at $(date -R)" >> $LOG

Associated crontable:
31 1 * * * /bin/systemctl stop backuppc; $HOME/bin/sync_backuppc; /bin/systemctl start backuppc
Dr. Laurent Mazet   -=-  "Use the source, Luke"  -=-   ma...@softndesign.org

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