>On 7/22/23 11:59 AM, Kenneth Porter wrote:
>> I'm setting up some Raspberry Pis and I set up BackupPC to back them up 
>> using ssh+rsync. I installed the key in ~backuppc/.ssh/authorized_keys but 
>> the initial backup was still failing. So I tried manually ssh'ing into the 
>> Pi and discovered I was hitting the question to add the Pi to known_hosts. I 
>> don't see this mentioned in the documentation. I'm not sure where it would 
>> even go, but I wanted to mention it as I'll likely forget this a year from 
>> now.

I have learned from past experience to login to the backuppc user and SSH to 
the remote client using the client host name from the client configuration 
file.  This ensures I have everything set up properly and also adds the client 
to known_hosts.  

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