Hi there,

On Mon, 23 Sep 2024, gregrwm wrote:

just installed EPEL BackupPC-4.4.0-9.el9.x86_64 on an AlmaLinux release 9.4
kvm, merged changes into config.pl, and brought forward other .pl files
from my working opensuse tumbleweed backuppc 4 server.  systemctl start
gives no errors, /var/log/BackupPC/LOG reports doing incr backups, manual
run of /usr/share/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC_dump shows __bpc_progress_fileCnt__
count up to 164961, and "incr backup complete", but all that exists in each
pc/<host> directory is an empty LOG.092024.  i put selinux into permissive
mode and restarted backupp but the results are still the same.

no errors, just...nothing!  what can be amiss?

My first guess - and it is just a guess - would be that either the
BackupPC process isn't running as the right user (maybe 'backuppc'),
or the permissions of the files or the directories containing them are
incorrect.  Other guesses would be that the configuration isn't quite
like you think it is (are the files being written someplace else?
I've seen that sort of thing when a distribution's maintainer gets a
bit too creative to describe), or that you have a problem with mounts,
but that's getting even deeper into the guesswork.



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