--On Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:29 PM +0200 Kern Sibbald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thursday 23 June 2005 13:34, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> > On Thursday 23 June 2005 09:57, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>> variables:
>> >> Yes, and after experimenting a bit I hope python will make this much
>> >> simpler...
>> > 
>> > It seems terribly ironic that now that 1.37 is almost out, there is an
>> > important interest in variables.  Instead of writing something myself,
>> > I unfortunately took someone else's code, which is very complicated --
>> > both the code and the way the variables are implemented.  They defy my
>> > ability to understand them once one tries to increment and do other
>> > things at the same time.
>> Interesting indeed that variables are coming up so often recently...
> Clearly there is a need ...
>> > Now is *really* the time for people to start trying Python -- there are
>> > still problems (a few memory leaks), and certainly much more to
>> > implement to make it really useful.  What I hope is to be able to
>> > provide a certain minimum set of features to be able to replace
>> > variables with version 1.37.  Then over time, I think we will be able
>> > to implement some really incredible things.
>> I guess so... memory leaks don't bother *me* too much as I have the
>> backup server automatically shutdown after all jobs are done...
>> > Things you can already do with Bacula/Python:
>> > - Get control and hence replace RunBeforeJob and RunAfterJob
>> > - Since you can test the status, you could also replace
>> > RunAfterFailedJob - Create Volume names (much more sainly than with
>> > variables) - Run a job
>> > - Cancel a job
>> > - Get control in a Python script at: JobStart, JobInit, JobRun, JobEnd,
>> > NewVolume (needed), Exit (Bacula).
>> During JobInit, will it be possible to change job parameters like
>> storage, pool etc., and have the director verify their new settings?
> That is the idea, but it is not realized yet, and unless someone starts
> using  it, and gets down to discussing specific needs, it will
> undoubtedly wait  until after 1.38 is released and people *do* get down
> to requesting specific  items.
>> What I'm thinking about is moving part of the scheduling info into
>> python scripts to make things more flexible. For example, when job
>> upgrading takes place use the right storage device or, for example, have
>> every third full backup go to a new volume for archival porposes or
>> something like that. Especially with automatic upgrading this is
>> currently rather difficult to manage automatically.
> I would hope that the basic "generally useful" features will be directly 
> included in Bacula and the Python will serve mostly for specific 
> customization.
>> > What you cannot yet do is:
>> > - Have access to the database
>> I guess this will be implemented soon, as discussed on bacula-devel.
> I'll probably implement some minimalist solution.
>> > - Have access to/change counter variables
>> Seems very important :-)
> Unless users directly access the DB from Python.
>> > - Change job parameters (i.e. in JobStart change the level, priority,
>> > ...)
>> See above...
>> > - Query what is running (other jobs)
>> > - Query what is scheduled
>> great. Hopefully the complete job information including upgrading etc.
>> will be available... but I guess this is hard or even impossible to
>> implement.
>> > - Get control when the Job Status changes
>> Might this be the right hook to have automatic job transfers to another
>> storage device? For example, jobs pauses due to tape full -> script
>> queries which devices are available -> sets job to use another storage?
> Changing from one storage device to another is unfortunately out of the 
> question for the current code. It will take some major brain storming
> design  work
>> > ...
>> Anyway, lots and lots of fun opportunities.
> Yup -- and work, which is hard when it is 30+ degrees. :-)

Perhaps an appreciative user base could take up a collection to install air
conditioning at your place for such warm days ;-)

Karl Cunningham

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